Smart Lighting in Schools

TLA Spotlight Blog

Smart Lighting in Schools

Sep 2, 2021 | Controls, Products, Tech Corner

By Rob Priess

Hi, I’m Rob Pries the Controls Department Manager at the Lighting Agency. In today’s post, I’ll share insights and information on two of the most popular and versatile smart lighting product lines for school applications from Lithonia Lighting.

As schools continue to update their technology, updating classroom lighting is critical to the learning environment. Dimmable and Tunable-white lighting for the classroom allows teachers the flexibility to create a productive learning environment for their students.

Smart lighting: What you need to know for your next school project

Smart lighting comes in many forms and offers a wide range of functions to address the needs of schools and students.


Here’s a summary of my top 5 benefits of applying this new technology in school settings:

1. Budget-friendly. When considered from a pure energy savings perspective, smart lighting helps a school save money on utilities by turning off and/or dimming lights in spaces that are vacant.

2. Enhanced control and flexibility. From a controllability standpoint, smart lighting can provide dimming and more granular zones in a space to help teachers highlight a teaching wall or provide extra light over desks while lowering light levels on a video or whiteboard presentation wall.

3. Works with natural light. Daylighting controls help lighting systems maintain a constant light level while utilizing natural light from windows, clerestory glazing, and/or skylights.

4. Ability to integrate tunable-white technology. One of the newest forms of smart lighting is tunable lighting that provides adjustable color as well as intensity. Tunable Lighting can help boost concentration and attention span by using light to manage student mood and energy levels. Teachers can select different color and intensity settings to instantly adjust classroom lighting to keep students focused and comfortable as the day progresses. They can also align lighting with different classroom activities to improve student engagement of such as quiet reading or group activities.

5. Meets standards for educational accommodations. Many school districts have adopted standards for tunable lighting in classrooms, including soft-uplight distribution, minimal contrast ratios, low light levels, natural daylight, low glare, no flicker, and no sound.


Smart lighting products

When our team talks about our go-to products in this category, the two most popular lines are the BLT Series Tunable-White, and EPANL, both from Lithonia Lighting.

BLT Series is the first tunable platform integrated into a mainstream digital control network, while EPANL is an edge-lit flat panel that provides a fully luminous appearance across the face of the lens. Both are suitable for lighting applications including schools, offices, and other commercial spaces. Let’s look at the BLT Series first.

BLT Series


BLT series tunable white by Lithonia Lighting in classroom


Tunable white solutions for the classroom explanation


Below is a great illustration of different color temperatures in the same classroom setting.

Illustration of lighting differences using tunable white in the classroom

The benefits of this series include easy installation and flexible sizing to meet the specifications of your project.

Features of BLT series tunable white by Lithonia Lighting

Learn more about BLT Series Tunable White and visit their website for more.

Next up, EPANL featuring a user-friendly install, enhanced energy savings, flexible sizing, and scalability, this is a solution that addresses today’s concerns while being future-ready.





EPANL LED flat panel details

Suspension kits are available!


Suspension kit diagram for EPANL LED flat panel


And for those of you in need of nLight Wired or AIR Control connectivity, EPANL has a range of accessories.

nLight Air Wireless details

controls acessories for nLight wired

We invite you to explore their website or read more details about EPANL LED Features and Specifications.


In conclusion, smart lighting in schools has evolved over the past several years and is becoming more common as new studies uncover new and effective benefits for lighting and control upgrades. Stay ahead of the curve by considering this exciting new technology for your next project!


Do you want more information on any of the products or technologies covered in this post? Contact your TLA Sales Rep, or drop me an email and we’ll be sure to get you all the details you need. Thanks for reading along and we’ll see you next time!

Best regards,

Rob Pries
TLA Controls Manager

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