Product Spotlight: Top Picks from Selux & Prudential Lighting

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Product Spotlight: Top Picks from Selux & Prudential Lighting

Nov 30, 2021 | Products

By TLA Staff


We’re mixing it up today with a TLA team picks product round up that includes innovative and versatile luminaires from TLA manufacturers Selux and Prudential Lighting. From colorful acoustic lighting to solar bollard solutions to an enhanced version of a go-to linear mainstay, we’ve got a little something for everyone today!

Before we dive into what’s new, let’s introduce our two featured manufacturers: Selux and Prudential Ltg.

Selux: The advan­tages of a family com­pany & the ben­e­fits of a global group

Semper lux— always light. When Her­mann Bans­bach founded his com­pany in Berlin after the war, the city was dev­as­tated and deprived of elec­tric­ity and light. Mr. Bans­bach made the life of Berlin­ers easier with his simple, afford­able bat­tery charger, thereby illu­mi­nat­ing a dark period in his­tory.

This willingness to evolve is also evidenced by the change from the company’s original name Sem­per­lux to Selux – sig­nal­ing the trans­for­ma­tion of a Berlin artisan’s work­shop into a com­pany with over 500 ded­i­cated staff and sites in Europe, North Amer­ica, and through­out the world.

Evo­lu­tion does not imi­tate, it opti­mizes. Selux’s goal is to develop prod­ucts that are extra­or­di­nary; prod­ucts that orig­i­nate in prac­tice but have a dif­fer­ent approach.

This enables them to come up with the best solu­tion for all require­ments, using dig­i­tally con­trolled light sys­tems for effi­cient light man­age­ment, day­light sen­sors, mul­ti­me­dia play­back walls, or col­ored light­ing con­cepts designed to create a unique light­ing ambiance.

At Selux, the future of light is already the present.

Prudential Lighting: LA-made & nationally admired since 1955

Rock-solid heritage, new product heroics. Even with 65-plus years of industry-leading expertise, Prudential Ltg. is looking everywhere but back.

They’ve fully embraced the LED frenzy with an onslaught of beautifully designed, remarkably controlled and amazingly efficient luminaires, all thoughtfully engineered and meticulously manufactured in Los Angeles, California. Trust, innovation, and award-winning designs set Prudential Lighting Company apart.

As a family-run company, they remain true to their core values, wholeheartedly committed to advancing and transforming the illumination experience.

Read on to learn about now Prudential Ltg. has taken their linear mainstay—SnapPro—to the next level.



Introducing SnapPro from Prudential Lighting


TLA Prudential Lighting SnapPro fixture


Why SnapPro? It’s their basic lighting building block—and so much more.

Here are seven reasons to love this versatile and customizable system:

  1. VASTLY IMPROVED SnapPro, now up to 144 LPW, 1600 lumens per foot
  2. JA8 listed for California residential Title 24
  3. Integrated controls
  4. Square, Razor (hard-edged square) and Round lens options in Satin or White acrylic
  5. LPA Round lens turns Snap into an outstanding Stack fixture ideal for warehouses or libraries
  6. 90˚, T, Y, and Cross unlit corners allow for a multitude of patterns
  7. Choose from one of 18 Premium Colors with no set-up fee

TLA Prudential Lighting SnapPro fixture


This perfectly scaled wrap simply snaps quickly, neatly and securely into a wide range of spaces. Industry-leading optical performance and integrated controls help make Snap one of our best-selling fixtures. Prudential Ltg.’s Linear Prismatic (LLP) lens turns Snap into an outstanding Stack fixture ideal for warehouses, manufacturing, libraries and more. See HalfSnap for a smaller profile.


TLA Prudential Lighting SnapPro fixture

And did you know that SnapPro is available in a rainbow of colors?


Color options for Prudential Lighting SnapPro fixture


Five new products from Selux

Next up, let’s talk about the five new products from Selux that you need to know about for your next project.


1. Acoustic Panels with Geometric Shapes

M60 LED Shapes Acoustic light fixture from Selux

Sound absorb­ing lumi­naires go beyond the need for qual­ity of light­ing and extend into a world of sound con­trol. With M60 LED Shapes Acoustic, expect the same qual­ity of light and opti­cal per­for­mance with the added func­tion­al­ity of sound absorp­tion.

Use M60 LED Shapes Acoustic to pro­vide an enjoy­able audi­ble expe­ri­ence and a visu­ally strik­ing space. Improve the archi­tec­tural envi­ron­ment for occu­pants by reduc­ing noise and sound reflect­ing sur­faces. Not only do the acousti­cal lumi­naires absorb sound, but they ele­vate the over­all look of the space with var­i­ous shapes, mate­ri­als, and colors. As open ceil­ings and sound reflect­ing ceil­ings have become more preva­lent in modern spaces, there is more demand for lumi­naires like the M60 LED Shapes Acoustic. Pro­vide excel­lent light­ing and acoustic com­fort all in one lumi­naire.

M60 Shapes Acoustic is offered in mul­ti­ple shapes and sizes to fit any space. Use indi­vid­ual lumi­naires or con­tact the fac­tory for project-spe­cific con­fig­u­ra­tions.


2. M36 MRC Wall Wash with Micro Reflec­tor Cell

M36 MRC Wall Wash with Micro Reflec­tor Cell light fixture

M36 MRC Wall Wash with Micro Reflec­tor Cell (MRC)
tech­nol­ogy allows for excep­tional opti­cal con­trol. M36 MRC WW is a dis­crete, exceed­ingly low glare fix­ture with very narrow lat­eral throw that allows for pre­cise light place­ment. Soft and even dis­tri­b­u­tion illu­mi­nates the wall from the very top all the way to the floor with high uni­for­mity. With up to 78lm/​W, the M36 MRC WW is a high effi­ciency wall washer with metic­u­lous light con­trol.


3. Olivio Grande & New Options

Selux Olivio Grande luminaire

is an impres­sive, highly effi­cient light­ing con­cept for urban living envi­ron­ments. The ver­sa­til­ity of this prod­uct family enables indi­vid­ual design solu­tions to create func­tional and atmos­pheric light­ing.

Three lumi­naire sizes (Grande, Medio, and Pic­colo) are com­bined with the extremely flex­i­ble Uni­ver­sal Mount design. Olivio is avail­able as a Bol­lard, or Uni­ver­sal, Can­de­labra, Sis­tema, Sis­tema 2, and Flo­racion mount­ings — ensur­ing ver­sa­til­ity with a cohe­sive look. Olivio Grande is avail­able with an RGBW light engine or a Gobo pro­jec­tor, allow­ing for fur­ther cus­tomiza­tion choices for your project.

Olivio Medio is also avail­able as a Solar solu­tion, expand­ing its usage to remote, off-grid loca­tions.


4. Small scale ELO family members

ELO bollard from Selux

With a 6” diam­e­ter, ELO is the most slen­der bollard/​column family from Selux. ELO uses the scal­able Tritec LED refrac­tor. The family con­sists of bol­lard, column, and wall mount models with lumen pack­ages up to 8,000lm. The unique opti­cal approach pro­vides effec­tive ver­ti­cal illu­mi­na­tion, inter­est­ing aes­thet­ics, and visual com­fort.


5. SteelCore crash rated bollards

SteelCore crash rated bollard

Selux Steel­Core
crash rated bol­lards are designed for pro­tect­ing pedes­tri­ans and prop­erty from the threat of vehic­u­lar impact. Choose from five dec­o­ra­tive illu­mi­nated covers (round or square) that can also be matched with unlit Steel­Core bol­lards, blank Steel­Core Case bol­lards, or non-struc­tural ver­sions. Five unique opti­cal options give a vari­ety of solu­tions to meet IESNA rec­om­mended light levels while also meet­ing crash rat­ings set forth by the Amer­i­can Soci­ety for Test­ing and Mate­ri­als (ASTM). With an over­all out­side diam­e­ter of 8 inches Selux Steel­Core bol­lards blend incon­spic­u­ously into the hard­scape and can be com­bined in a light­ing plan with com­pan­ion columns. This pro­vides pro­tec­tion with­out the appear­ance of over­whelm­ing secu­rity.

Typ­i­cal appli­ca­tions for Steel­Core Bol­lards include, but are not lim­ited to, gov­ern­ment facil­i­ties, police sta­tions, banks, store fronts, sen­si­tive hardscape/​landscape areas, parks, bike/​pedestrian traf­fic lanes, and other areas where block­ing vehic­u­lar access is required.

Contact your TLA Sales Rep, or send us an email for all the details, about how you can feature these efficient and tech-savvy products in your next design.

Thanks for reading along and see you next time!

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