Experience the Lighting Agency Facility

TLA Spotlight Blog

Experience the Lighting Agency Facility

May 1, 2020 | News & Events, Team TLA

By TLA Staff

Our address has been the same since 1980, but you may have noticed in recent years that we look a little bit different.

Our founder, Art Fisher, envisioned creating a facility that was custom-designed for the customer experience.  A learning center.  A lighting lab.  A place where different styles, forms, and technologies can be experienced in different settings to experiment with lighting and controls.

Our facility was designed with you in mind.  We want you to learn and experience what we have to offer and share our knowledge and passion with you.  Our goal is for you to leave feeling inspired and with a renewed sense of ambition to tackle your next project knowing that we have the tools to support you.


The Lighting Agency is a local construction allied company representing the premier lighting and controls manufacturers for Colorado and Southern Wyoming. We strive to be an integral part of the design process through our work with lighting specifiers, contractors, suppliers, and owners to create brilliant yet budget-sensitive results for projects big and small.

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